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Achillea 'ACBZ0002' - Little Moonshine Yarrow

Achillea 'Firefly Diamond' - Firefly Diamond Yarrow

Achillea 'Firefly Sunshine' - Firefly Sunshine Yarrow

Achillea 'Moonshine' - Moonshine Yarrow

Achillea 'Sassy Summer Sunset' - Sassy Summer Sunset Yarrow

Achillea 'Sassy Summer Taffy' - Sassy Summer Taffy Yarrow

Achillea millefolium 'Saucy Seduction' - Saucy Seduction Yarrow

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' - Grassy-Leaved Sweet Flag

Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' - Black Scallop Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' - Burgundy Glow Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Caitlin's Giant' - Caitlin's Giant Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' - Chocolate Chip Bugleweed

Alchemilla 'Thriller' - Thriller Lady's Mantle

Anemone sylvestris - Windflower

Aquilegia 'Winky Blue And White' - Winky Blue And White Columbine

Aquilegia 'Winky Double Red And White' - Winky Double Red And White Columbine

Aquilegia 'Winky Red And White' - Winky Red And White Columbine

Aquilegia canadensis - Wild Red Columbine

Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' - Emerald Carpet Manzanita

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Massachusetts' - Massachusetts Bearberry

Armeria maritima 'Alba' - White Sea Thrift

Armeria pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red' - Ballerina Red False Sea Thrift

Armeria pseudarmeria 'Sweet Dreams' - Dreameria® Sweet Dreams False Sea Thrift

Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' - Low Scape Mound® Aronia

Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound' - Silver Mound Artemisia

Aruncus 'Chantilly Lace' - Chantilly Lace Goatsbeard

Aruncus 'Misty Lace' - Misty Lace Goatsbeard

Aruncus dioicus - Goatsbeard

Asarum splendens - Asian Wild Ginger

Athyrium 'Ghost' - Ghost Fern

Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern

Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae' - Tatting Fern

Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' - Lady in Red Fern

Athyrium goeringianum - Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium nipponicum 'Metallicum' - Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium nipponicum 'Pictum' - Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium nipponicum 'Regal Red' - Regal Red Painted Fern

Bergenia 'Pink Dragonfly' - Pink Dragonfly™ Bergenia

Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great' - Alexander's Great Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' - Jack Frost Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack of Diamonds' - Jack of Diamonds Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Queen of Hearts' - Queen of Hearts Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Sea Heart' - Sea Heart Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart' - Silver Heart Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Variegata' - Variegated Siberian Bugloss

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' - Karl Foerster Reed Grass

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam' - Variegated Reed Grass

Campanula poscharskyana 'Blue Waterfall' - Blue Waterfall Serbian Bellflower

Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' - Ice Dance Sedge

Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' - Evergold Variegated Japanese Sedge

Carex oshimensis 'Gold Strike' - Gold Strike Japanese Sedge

Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Dark Knight' - Dark Knight Caryopteris

Caryopteris x clandonensis 'First Choice' - First Choice Caryopteris

Cerastium tomentosum - Snow-In-Summer

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides - Plumbago

Clematis integrifolia 'Arabella' - Arabella Clematis

Convallaria majalis - Lily-Of-The-Valley

Coreopsis verticillata 'Crazy Cayenne' - Sizzle And Spice® Crazy Cayenne Tickseed

Coreopsis verticillata 'Curry Up' - Sizzle And Spice® Curry Up Tickseed

Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' - Zagreb Tickseed

Cornus racemosa 'Muszam' - Muskingum Gray Dogwood

Cotoneaster apiculatus 'Tom Thumb' - Tom Thumb Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty' - Coral Beauty Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster dammeri 'Royal Beauty' - Royal Beauty Cotoneaster

Dryopteris erythrosora - Autumn Fern

Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' - Brilliance Autumn Fern

Eupatorium fortunei 'Pink Frost' - Pink Frost Joe Pye Weed

Galium odoratum - Sweet Woodruff

Geranium sanguineum 'New Hampshire Purple' - New Hampshire Purple Cranesbill

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' - Biokovo Cranesbill

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Karmina' - Karmina Cranesbill

Hedera helix 'Baltica' - Baltic Ivy

Hedera helix 'Needlepoint Perfection' - Needlepoint Perfection Ivy

Hedera helix 'Thorndale' - Thorndale Ivy

Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' - Happy Ever Appster® Happy Returns Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Mighty Chestnut' - Mighty Chestnut Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Orange Smoothie' - Rainbow Rhythm® Orange Smoothie Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' - Pardon Me Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Passionate Returns' - Passionate Returns Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Primal Scream' - Rainbow Rhythm® Primal Scream Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Purple de Oro' - Purple de Oro Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Red Hot Returns' - Happy Ever Appster® Red Hot Returns Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' - Stella de Oro Daylily

Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' - Berry Smoothie Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Black Pearl' - Black Pearl Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Caramel' - Caramel Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Cherry Truffles' - Dolce® Cherry Truffles Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Citronelle' - Citronelle Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Forever Purple' - Forever® Purple Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Forever Red' - Forever® Red Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Frosted Violet' - Frosted Violet Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' - Georgia Peach Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Grape Expectations' - Grape Expectations Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Lemon Love' - Lemon Love Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Marmalade' - Marmalade Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' - Midnight Rose Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Obsidian' - Obsidian Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Peach Flambe' - Peach Flambe Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Pretty Pistachio' - Primo® Pretty Pistachio Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Silver Gumdrop' - Dolce® Silver Gumdrop Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNER' - Northern Exposure™ Red Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Wild Rose' - Wild Rose Coral Bells

Heucherella 'Catching Fire' - Catching Fire Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Eye Spy' - Fun and Games® Eye Spy Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Pink Fizz' - Pink Fizz Foamy Bells

Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' - Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta

Hosta 'Autumn Frost' - Shadowland® Autumn Frost Hosta

Hosta 'Big Daddy' - Big Daddy Hosta

Hosta 'Blazing Saddles' - Blazing Saddles Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Angel' - Blue Angel Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' - Blue Mouse Ears Hosta

Hosta 'Brother Stefan' - Brother Stefan Hosta

Hosta 'Coast to Coast' - Shadowland® Coast to Coast Hosta

Hosta 'Cool As A Cucumber' - Cool As A Cucumber Hosta

Hosta 'Curly Fries' - Curly Fries Hosta

Hosta 'Empress Wu' - Shadowland® Empress Wu Hosta

Hosta 'First Frost' - First Frost Hosta

Hosta 'Francee' - Francee Hosta

Hosta 'Hudson Bay' - Shadowland® Hudson Bay Hosta

Hosta 'Humpback Whale' - Humpback Whale Hosta

Hosta 'Island Breeze' - Island Breeze Hosta

Hosta 'Komodo Dragon' - Komodo Dragon Hosta

Hosta 'Lakeside Paisley Print' - Lakeside Paisley Print Hosta

Hosta 'Midas Touch' - Midas Touch Hosta

Hosta 'Mighty Mouse' - Mighty Mouse Hosta

Hosta 'Patriot' - Patriot Hosta

Hosta 'Praying Hands' - Praying Hands Hosta

Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise' - Rainforest Sunrise Hosta

Hosta 'Regal Splendor' - Regal Splendor Hosta

Hosta 'Robert Frost' - Robert Frost Hosta

Hosta 'Stained Glass' - Stained Glass Hosta

Hosta 'Sum and Substance' - Sum and Substance Hosta

Hosta 'Touch Of Class' - Touch Of Class Hosta

Hosta 'Wheee!' - Shadowland® Wheee! Hosta

Hosta 'White Feather' - White Feather Hosta

Iberis sempervirens 'Alexander White' - Alexander's White Candytuft

Iberis sempervirens 'Purity' - Purity Candytuft

Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake' - Snowflake Candytuft

Iberis sempervirens 'Whiteout' - Whiteout Candytuft

Isotoma fluviatilis - Blue Star Creeper

Itea virginica 'SMNIVMM' - Fizzy Mizzy® Virginia Sweetspire

Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific' - Blue Pacific Shore Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip' - Blue Chip Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Gold Strike' - Gold Strike Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Icee Blue' - Icee Blue Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Lime Glow' - Lime Glow Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Mother Lode' - Mother Lode Juniper

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' - Blue Star Juniper

Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' - Grey Owl Redcedar

Juniperus x media 'Sea Of Gold' - Sea Of Gold Juniper

Lagerstroemia 'PIILAG B5' - Enduring Summer™ Red Crapemyrtle

Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke' - Pocomoke Crapemyrtle

Lagerstroemia 'Purple Magic' - Purple Magic Crapemyrtle

Lamium maculatum 'Purple Dragon' - Purple Dragon Spotted Dead Nettle

Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' - White Nancy Spotted Dead Nettle

Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Girard's Rainbow' - Girard's Rainbow Fetterbush

Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' - Big Blue Lily Turf

Liriope muscari 'Variegata' - Variegata Lily Turf

Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon' - Silver Dragon Lily Turf

Lysimachia nummularia 'Goldilocks' - Goldilocks Creeping Jenny

Matteuccia 'The King' - The King Ostrich Fern

Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern

Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio' - Adagio Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' - Gracillimus Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' - Morning Light Maiden Grass

Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' - Porcupine Grass

Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Pink Muhly' - Pink Muhly Grass

Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' - Gulf Stream Dwarf Nandina

Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime' - Lemon Lime Nandina

Nandina domestica 'Murasaki' - Flirt™ Nandina

Nandina domestica 'Seika' - Obsession™ Nandina

Nepeta cataria - Catnip

Oenothera berlandieri 'Siskiyou' - Siskiyou Mexican Evening Primrose

Ophiopogon jaburan 'HOCF' - Crystal Falls® Mondo Grass

Origanum rotundifolium 'Kent Beauty' - Kent Beauty Oregano

Origanum vulgare - Oregano

Osmunda cinnamomea - Cinnamon Fern

Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern

Pachysandra terminalis - Japanese Spurge

Phlox 'Cloudburst' - Cloudburst Phlox

Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon' - Blue Moon Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Amazing Grace' - Amazing Grace Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Drummond's Pink' - Drummond's Pink Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' - Emerald Blue Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty' - Purple Beauty Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata 'White Delight' - White Delight Moss Phlox

Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas Fern

Polystichum polyblepharum - Japanese Tassel Fern

Pulmonaria 'Twinkle Toes' - Twinkle Toes Lungwort

Rosa 'BOKRARUISP' - Nitty Gritty™ White Rose

Rosa 'KORcoluma' - Eleganza® Grande Amore™ Rose

Rosa 'Legends' - Legends Rose

Rosa 'Let Freedom Ring' - Let Freedom Ring Rose

Rosa 'Meigalpio' - Red Drift® Rose

Rosa 'Meijocos' - Pink Drift® Rose

Rosa 'Meimirrote' - Apricot Drift® Rose

Rosa 'RUIRI0091A' - Nitty Gritty™ Peach Rose

Rosa 'SPRothrive' - Thrive!® Rose

Rosa 'Witharoma' - Secret's Out!™ Rose

Sagina subulata - Irish Moss

Sagina subulata 'Aurea' - Scotch Moss

Sarcococca hookeriana 'var. humilis' - Dwarf Sweet Box

Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blue Heaven' - Blue Heaven Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium 'Prairie Blues' - Prairie Blues Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium 'Standing Ovation' - Standing Ovation Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium 'The Blues' - The Blues Bluestem

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' - Autumn Joy Stonecrop

Sedum 'Frosted Fire' - Frosted Fire Stonecrop

Sedum 'Lime Zinger' - Lime Zinger Stonecrop

Sedum 'Thundercloud' - Thundercloud Stonecrop

Sedum cauticola 'Lidakense' - Lidakense Stonecrop

Sedum kamtschaticum - Russian Stonecrop

Sedum middendorfianum - Middendorf Stonecrop

Sedum rupestre - Blue Spruce Stonecrop

Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' - Angelina Stonecrop

Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Fire' - Autumn Fire Stonecrop

Sedum spurium 'Fuldaglut' - Fulda Glow Stonecrop

Spiraea 'NCSX2' - Double Play Doozie® Spirea

Spiraea 'Tracy' - Double Play Big Bang® Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'Galen' - Double Play® Artisan® Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'Limemound' - Limemound Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'NCSX1' - Double Play® Candy Corn® Spirea

Spiraea japonica 'Yan' - Double Play® Gold Spirea

Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears' - Giant Lamb's Ears

Stachys byzantina 'Helene Von Stein' - Helene Von Stein Lamb's Ears

Stachys monieri 'Hummelo' - Hummelo Betony

Thymus praecox 'Pink Chintz' - Pink Chintz Creeping Thyme

Thymus pseudolanuginosis - Wooly Thyme

Thymus vulgaris - Common Thyme

Thymus x citriodorus - Lemon Thyme

Veronica 'Blue Skywalker' - Blue Skywalker Speedwell

Veronica 'Enchanted Indigo' - Enchanted Indigo Speedwell

Veronica 'Pink Potion' - Magic Show® Pink Potion Speedwell

Veronica 'Very Van Gogh' - Very Van Gogh Speedwell

Veronica 'White Wands' - White Wands Speedwell

Veronica longifolia 'Vernique Blue' - Vernique® Blue Speedwell

Veronica longifolia 'Vernique Shining Sea' - Vernique® Shining Sea Speedwell

Vinca major 'Maculata' - Maculata Periwinkle

Vinca major 'Variegata' - Variegated Periwinkle

Vinca minor 'Bowles' - Bowles Periwinkle

Weigela florida 'SMNWFMS' - Midnight Wine Shine® Weigela

Weigela florida 'Verweig8' - My Monet Purple Effect® Weigela

Disclaimer - This Plant Finder tool is an online resource representing many of the varieties that we carry over the course of the season, and is intended for informational purposes only. Inventory varies seasonally, so we cannot guarantee that every plant will be in stock at all times - please contact the store directly for availability. Additionally, the Plant Finder tool does not include our entire inventory of plants, so be sure to visit our store to see varieties that may not be represented on this list.

Contact Us!

Address: 2608 Hikes Ln Louisville, KY

Phone: 1-502-454-3553


Hours of Operation

Monday - Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday : Closed​

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